Get care from
the people who care.
Phoenix Psychometric is an Emotional and Mental Wellness Company that specializes in bringing an eclectic and holistic approach to mind and body healing through counselling, psychoanalysis , psychotherapy and Bach flowers.
Take charge of your life, choose happiness
Mental health is a Necessity, not a privilege.
Phoenix Psychometric is an Emotional and Mental Wellness Company that specializes in bringing an eclectic and holistic approach to mind and body healing through counselling, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and Bach Flower Remedies.
We work with both Corporates and Educational Institutions, providing them with our range of services. We also work with people individually, empowering them to take the reins of their emotional wellness in their own hands, and help them to strengthen their coping skills to deal with stress, thereby adding happiness and increasing productivity in their work.
Happy Clients
Problem Solved

Alone we can do so little, together we
can do so much.
Choose Help. Not Suffering.
Counselling Therapy Sessions With Professionals.
Our Vision
The vision of Phoenix Psychometric, founded by Amrita Achrekar, is to see people holding non-judgmental outlook towards self and other, thereby making society a safe space; building trust and humanity.
Our Mission
Phoenix Psychometric seeks to create awareness among people about emotional challenges (mental disorders), including signs of stress and its result in our daily life. It also aims at eradicating the stigma attached to emotional illness and the seeking of professional help.
Talk on Healing with Bach flower for emotional and stress related issues.
Our Services
Specialized Help For Your Mental Health
Enhancing productivity
Enhancing Confidence
Work life balance
Self love
Success in exams
Interview success
Weight loss issues
Counseling for PCOS management
Hormonal issues
Choose life partner
Anger management
Relationship issues
Fear of public speaking
Menopausal stages
Suicidal thoughts
Deep muscle relaxation
Self harm behavior
Sex education
Enhancing productivity
Enhancing Confidence
Work life balance
Self love
Relationship issues
Choose life partner
Anger management
Fear of public speaking
Success in exams
Interview success
Weight loss issues
Counseling for PCOS management
Hormonal issues
Menopausal stages
Suicidal thoughts
Self harm behavior
Sex education
Deep muscle relaxation
Techniques we use
Counselling helps to understand the cause and effect of what situation the client has been in the past and in the present and how it has affected them overall. It helps client feel understood, validate their emotions, feel accepted and supported which begins the process of healing. We use various modalities of counselling like REBT, behaviour therapy, Acceptance and commitment therapy, Solutions focused behaviour therapy, Trauma healing, Psychodynamics, Systems approach.
Uses tools of Hypnosis to access the past memories which are significantly impacting the client’s life. It helps to understand the origin of the issues being faced and helps to heal the trauma, release emotions, remove the emotional blocks, find pathways, and create new patterns of emotions and behaviour.
Bach Flower Remedies are developed by Dr. Edward Bach, an British Physician during the 1930s. Named after him, the Bach flower remedies comprise of 38 plant based watered extracts of flowers formulated to balance emotional disturbances and stress, which Dr. Bach believed could result in physical illness. Each remedy is associated with a particular emotion or mental state that disturbs our happiness, such as fear, sadness, uncertainty, doubts, loneliness, etc.
Our drawings reveal our emotional struggles which we find it difficult to share. Metaphor drawing analysis helps to open up and is a saviour when one feels ‘where should I begin to talk, or what exactly do I talk?’
Classic NLP was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s. It uses the language and the behavioural patterns to bring about the expected changes using various techniques. New Code NLP was further developed by John Grinder (co-founder of Classic NLP) along with Carmen Bostic St. Clair. The New code NLP uses more fun ways, games to deep dive into the emotional state and bring clarity, and change the emotional patterns and behaviour.
Our childhood environment and relationships impact us deeply. We often forget the memory or may faintly remember it, but we are not aware of the way it impacts us by dominating our automatic thoughts/ inferences and reflex actions. These unknown thought process can create hindrance in our progress or negatively affect moods/ relationships. We access the deep-rooted memory; heal the trauma it has caused thereby creating a new neural pathway and thinking patterns.
The handwriting and signature of the person reveals a lot of information about their personality, relationships, future aspirations, success, emotional health and outlook, view towards society, and many more. Changes in the way you write the letters, creates changes in yourself and you can see the difference around you.
Based on need, we use various psychological tests and assessments to aid the understanding and diagnosis. We use and administer tests like Rorschach Inkblot test, Thematic apperception test for adults and children, MMPI, MCMI, Scales and questionnaires to understand Anxiety, depression, stress, relationship dynamics etc. These tests are administered if required.

Psychotherapy/ Counselling, in general terms, is about collaborating with a Mental Health Professional in an effort to bring about emotional and behavioral change, leading to taking charge of your own life rather than depending on others to make you happy.
At Phoenix Psychometric, we believe that effective therapy includes a thorough evaluation, the development of a firm therapeutic relationship, and the process of integrating our clinical knowledge and expertise for your unique needs.
Psychotherapy and counseling are mental health treatments with distinct differences.
It focuses on deeper psychological issues, exploring a person’s psychological history and addressing conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, phobia and personality disorders. It may take longer duration for the sessions spanning to few months. It utilizes established theories (e.g., REBT, NLP, regression therapy, psychodynamic therapy) and techniques to explore past experiences and unconscious processes. This approach is usually practiced by professionals who have their Bachelors and Masters in Clinical or Counseling Psychology, M Phil or PhD with stipulated training under supervision.
It addresses specific life problems such as stress, relationship issues, and career decisions. It is typically for shorter-term, spanning weeks to few months. It provides a supportive environment, practical solutions, guidance, and advice.
Both fields often collaborate, with counselors referring clients to psychotherapists for deeper issues. Psychotherapy offers long-term, theory-based treatment, while counseling provides short-term, practical guidance and support for specific issues.
People seek psychotherapy for many reasons. Some need to respond to unexpected changes in their lives [Eg – looking forward to get married, difficulty in managing relationships after marriage, relocation, change of job, loss of job, kids growing up and difficulty in adjusting with the growing up phase, menopause, loss of loved one, heartbreak]; while others seek self-exploration and personal growth. When coping skills are overwhelmed by guilt, doubt, anxiety, or despair, psychotherapy can help. Psychotherapy can provide support, problem-solving skills and enhanced coping for issues such as depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, relationship troubles, unresolved childhood issues, bereavement, spiritual conflicts, stress management, trauma and body image issues. People seeking psychotherapy create greater awareness in their lives leading to increased productivity and happiness.
Majorly the first session has emphasis on understanding the client and know the stressors been faced. Without understanding what has contributed for the client to face stress, diagnosis and planning the further pathway to heal is difficult. Each case is different and needs customized approach. For many cases we may begin counselling from second session, while for some cases we may do psychological assessments which may take one to two sessions after the first consultation. At the end of the first consultation, we will provide you with our initial impressions and recommendations on how to go ahead. If we recommend psychotherapy, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan, including goals and approximate time frames. Sometimes an individual’s primary concerns or symptoms are not within our area of expertise. If this happens, we will refer you to another professional who can help. At any point of time, feel free to gain clarity by asking your doubts to the Therapist.
We view psychotherapy as a partnership from the very beginning. The initial appointment involves a detailed assessment to understand you and your situation, current problems, background, your strengths and resources in order to develop an appropriate plan for treatment. Our aim is to help you feel comfortable and safe to openly talk about your concerns. Usually, each session goes for 50 minutes. As it is an information gaining session, Counselling is seldom done in first session.
This is a reasonable question and difficult to predict. Research shows that the duration of therapy is variable and can be influenced by the specific therapy interventions used, the strength of the relationship with your therapist, as well as factors specific to you. These other factors may include your goals, personal characteristics, the nature, severity, chronicity, and complexity of the problem(s) you are experiencing, external factors like social support and the extent to which you actively engage in the treatment and how comfortable you are with making changes.
Depending on your specific needs and goals, therapy can be for short duration, for a specific issue, or for long duration, to deal with recurrent life patterns or your desire for more in-depth personal growth. Duration is based on number of issues faced, regularity and consistent cooperation from client with your therapist for the process of healing. Therapy is a collaborative process and your progress and goals will be discussed during the course of healing.
To begin with, the sessions are once a week. With progress, the sessions move to once in two weeks, then once in three weeks and gradually once a month. This helps client to gain coping skills, learn to manage stress, build confidence and thereby helps clients to be enabled to manage stressful situations in better way without being much affected like earlier. To reach this stage, one has to be regular in their sessions, and actively learn skills being imparted during the sessions. If anything is not working, do share the challenges in the session with your counselor/ therapist and we will help you navigate and resolve them.
Few things can be practiced to keep the Counseling/ psychotherapy fast tracked as mentioned below:-
- Keep sessions regular as suggested, missing sessions consecutively delays the session progress and expected positive change may also get delayed.
- Make a book for Counseling/ psychotherapy where you write the key points or take away from each session based on what was discussed. You can also write points that you wish to discuss in the next session.
- Do write down your significant dreams if any, they may be analyzed in the session, providing vital information through the interpretation.
- You may also opt to take Bach flower remedies. Bach flower remedies are a type of natural therapy developed by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and homeopath, during the 1930s. They consist of 38 different flower essences, each aimed at addressing specific emotional states or personality traits. The remedies are made by infusing flowers in water under sunlight, thus they are safe to consume. Bach flower remedies are considered safe and gentle, suitable for all ages, including expecting/ nursing mothers, children and pets.
The idea behind Bach flower remedies is that emotional well-being is crucial for overall health. Dr. Bach believed that unhealthy emotions like fear, anger, and sadness can lead to physical illness. By restoring emotional balance, these remedies aim to help the body heal itself. Each flower remedy is associated with a particular emotional state. It helps to break the thought patterns that are contributing to stress thereby healing the unhelpful emotions.
They are used to support emotional well-being and can be taken alone or alongside other treatments [like allopathy medicines, homeopathy or ayurveda] without interfering. They act gently working on bringing the positive aspects of emotions making it a part of your emotional, behavioural and changes in your thought process.
What People Say About Us
I was unsure about starting therapy when I reached out to Amrita. Their personalized therapy plans, support & absolute flexibility in terms of choosing time or therapist got me to enrol. I have learnt to manage my anxiety so well.
P. A.
Therapy with Ms. Amrita Achrekar gave me a new lease of life. I was at the point of ending things & within a matter 21 days I felt like I got my life back. I am so grateful for the timely help and unconditional support from her.
S. A.
College was not what I expected. I felt so marginalised, had lost all confidence & could not cope with the academic stress. My therapist helped me find my self esteem & confidence.
N. R.
Ms. Amrita Achrekar has helped me put more life in my years. I used to always feel low, had lost interest in everything despite having a perfect life. I could not understand what I was going through. Thanks to a friend who highly recommended it to me, I gave it a shot. I feel so grateful to her.
V. S.
Amrita already came highly recommended and my experience with her just reconfirmed how brilliant she is at her work. Her observation skills are excellent. How she identifies and nails down the issues and provides simple holistic techniques to overcome them is truly remarkable.
S. J.
Within few months I saw improvement in my health and she asked me to see her less frequently, that itself was a sign of someone operating from a very secure place with best interest of her clients. Truly grateful.
A. T.
For maintaining ethical client confidentiality, client names are presented in initials. You can also post your review here anonymously to help me maintain ethical practice and confidentiality. Reviews help viewers to understand and gather courage to connect to take charge of their life. Gratitude 😊